For Those We Lost

Summer in South Carolina

Jennifer Sullivan Season 2 Episode 38

Episode 38. Summer in South Carolina

In this episode, I will be talking with Summer in South Carolina. This is a powerful episode about not only COVID loss, but long COVID. Summer's husband, Robert, was in the COVID ICU for 81 days and then he was released to a rehab facility and came home in October 2020. And he was home for almost 18 months. But Robert, and Summer, struggled through his long COVID. They saw specialists and doctors who all told them to "wait and see" and so they did. Robert died on March 22, 2022 in their home of a massive heart attack brought on by complications of Long COVID. As Summer says, God gave her husband back to her only to lose him.

She has become an advocate for Long Haulers and offers help and support to everyone struggling with Long Haul in the medical system. Summer advocates for Long Haul with Covid Survivors for Change. She is part of the Yellow Heart Memorial  LongHaul advocacy and she is a powerful storyteller. Her husband told her to keep telling his story and she has. They have been features on Fox News, ABC news and many other news outlets. Many of those links are in the show notes below. Lastly, we do talk about detailed medical procedures and suicide is mentioned in this episode. Know that this may be triggering for some.

Covid Survivors for Change
Yellow Heart Memorial

And here are links to just a few of the online news stories about Summer and her husband, Robert.

For context on this interview and the ever-changing pandemic, we recorded this episode on  August 17, 2022.

Support the show

If you've lost a loved one to COVID and would like to share your story on the show, please send me an email. My email address is Or go to the website and click on contact button and you can reach me that way as well.

This show won't ever have a paid members area or episodes you have to pay to listen to, but there are expenses with hosting a podcast. If you would like to help, please support the show.

All episodes are written and produced by me and all music is used under the protection of fair use.

Our social media accounts can be found at:

YouTube (work in progress for the captions)

Until next time!

Long Road Ahead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.