For Those We Lost

Casey in Kansas

Jennifer Sullivan Season 2 Episode 41

Episode 41. Casey in Kansas

In this episode, I will be talking with Casey in Kansas. Casey lost her husband, David, to COVID on December 26, 2021. David left behind his wife and their six children. In this episode, she talks about her strong intuitive sense that something would happen to Dave and she talks about how she and her kids are coping. Dave had also recently lost his dad and his brother and was in the midst of deep grief himself when he got COVID.

Casey is a documenter, and as she she shared so much while Dave was in the hospital and continues to share the memories that come up on her Facebook now that he is gone. Casey's Instagram is a great place to go if you want to get a sense of what they went through (and are still going through) as a family. Also, the link for the podcast Terrible, Thanks for Asking is below. 

Casey's Instagram

Terrible, Thanks for Asking podcast

For context on this interview and the ever-changing pandemic, we recorded this episode on September 7, 2022.

Support the show

If you've lost a loved one to COVID and would like to share your story on the show, please send me an email. My email address is Or go to the website and click on contact button and you can reach me that way as well.

This show won't ever have a paid members area or episodes you have to pay to listen to, but there are expenses with hosting a podcast. If you would like to help, please support the show.

All episodes are written and produced by me and all music is used under the protection of fair use.

Our social media accounts can be found at:

YouTube (work in progress for the captions)

Until next time!

Long Road Ahead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.