For Those We Lost

Christina in California

Jennifer Sullivan Season 2 Episode 45

Episode 45. Christina in California

In this episode, I will be talking with Christina in California. Christina lost her dad, Raul, her brother, Raul Jr and her sister, Margie, to COVID all in January 2021. Christina was a nurse at the hospital where her family was and so she was able to see her family members and check in on them at a time when most family was not allowed in the hospitals. She recognizes the blessing this was, but also talks about the things that haunt her. Christina shares about the many memorials in the COVID community she's participated in and I've linked them below.

Finally, there is a metallic sound you can hear near the beginning of the show, just an as fyi. And throughout this episode Christina does talk about detailed medical procedures. This may be triggering for some.

Information on Valley Fever
COVID-19 Loss Support for Family & Friends
Enchanted Tea Room
Yellow Heart Memorial
Long Beach Yellow Heart Memorial
InAmerica Flags in Washington DC 
Rami's Heart COVID-19 Memorial  - Christina's family members are all in heart #6
Faces of COVID Victims 

For context on this interview and the ever-changing pandemic, we recorded this episode on February 4, 2023.

Support the show

If you've lost a loved one to COVID and would like to share your story on the show, please send me an email. My email address is Or go to the website and click on contact button and you can reach me that way as well.

This show won't ever have a paid members area or episodes you have to pay to listen to, but there are expenses with hosting a podcast. If you would like to help, please support the show.

All episodes are written and produced by me and all music is used under the protection of fair use.

Our social media accounts can be found at:

YouTube (work in progress for the captions)

Until next time!

Long Road Ahead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.