For Those We Lost

Elena and Yvette in Texas

Jennifer Sullivan Season 2 Episode 50

Episode 50. Elena and Yvette in Texas

In this episode, I will be talking with Yvette and Elena. They lost their mother, Aurora Poblano, to COVID on January 23, 2021. Their mother Aurora lived in Pasadena, Texas with Elena. Yvette reached out to me over a year ago, but they've waited to talk about their mom until they could do it together.

One important thing to know is that their mom was diagnosed with Cerebellar Degeneration when she was 35 years old. It is a genetic disorder that is inherited and if I remember correctly, at least three of her children also have this disease. I've linked to some information about this in the show notes.

Elena and Yvette's mom had a special relationship with each one of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Elena wanted me to add that her daughter Yadira and her son Javier would take turns taking their grandma to JC Penney which as her favorite store to shop, and then they would go and have breakfast at I-Hop. This was one of her favorite outings.

Yvette volunteers with the Yellow Heart Memorial and she is the founder of the San Bernadino installation of the Yellow Heart Memorial.

Elena is a volunteer for the Wall of COVID and Rose River memorial installation held in February of this year in Houston and they both have submitted their mom's name to the the Rami's Heart COVID 19 memorial and the Willow trees memorial.

Cerebellar Degeneration

Rami's Heart COVID-19 Memorial

For context on this interview and the ever-changing pandemic, we recorded this episode on May 4, 2023.

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If you've lost a loved one to COVID and would like to share your story on the show, please send me an email. My email address is Or go to the website and click on contact button and you can reach me that way as well.

This show won't ever have a paid members area or episodes you have to pay to listen to, but there are expenses with hosting a podcast. If you would like to help, please support the show.

All episodes are written and produced by me and all music is used under the protection of fair use.

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Until next time!

Long Road Ahead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.